Your Ultimate Beach Volleyball Gear Checklist!


May 13, 2024By Volleyball Paradise Club

Alright, peeps! So, you love beach volleyball, right? It's all about the sun, the sand, the serves, and... oops, did you forget something? Don’t sweat it! We're here to make sure your beach day or volleyball match doesn’t flop because you left something crucial at home. Grab your bag, and let’s make sure it's packed with everything you need for an epic day. 

What in the World Goes in Your Volleyball Bag? 

The Absolute Must-Haves

Chill Water: Insulated Water Bottle

Gotta stay hydrated, pals! Whether it’s blazing sun or you’re just sweating buckets, an insulated water bottle keeps your drink cool. It’s like a mini-fridge you can sip from. Nice, eh? 

No Lobster Look: Sunscreen

Sunburns? Nah, we’re not about that life. Slap on some sunscreen, the good stuff that won’t wash off when you start sweating buckets, and you’re golden – not red. 

See the Ball, Be the Ball: Sunglasses

Glare is a game-ruiner. So, snag some cool shades to keep those fly balls in sight. Bonus points if you look fly while playing! 

Toasties or Frosties? Sand Socks

Whether the sand feels like lava or you’re getting chilly toesies, sand socks are your feet's BFFs. Keep those piggies comfy! 

The Comfy and Cozy Stuff

Stretch it Out: Sarong or Towel

Great for a quick stretch, wiping off sweat, or sitting out a game. Plus, it’s perfect for a victory dance. 

Be Your Own Hero: First Aid Kit

A little kit with bandaids, some clean wipes, eye drops for sand in the eye emergencies and your gotta-have-it meds can be a game-changer. Be prepared, folks. 

For Weather’s Whims: Extra Clothes

Because who knows if it’s going to be hot, cold, or somewhere awkwardly in between. Layer up or down, and stay comfy. 

Nifty Gadgets and Extras

Keep it Clean: Bin Bag

Trust me, a trash bag is your new best friend. It's for the wet clothes, the “oops, it rained,” and for making sure you leave nothing but footprints. 

Snack Attack: Snacks

Hungry + Angry = Hangry, and no one likes a hangry teammate. Keep some nibbles handy. Your belly and friends will thank you. 

Stay Juiced: Portable Phone Charger

Your playlist needs power, and so does your phone – for pics, calls, or rescue missions when you get lost. Yup, pack that charger. 

Get Your Game On

Film It: Tripod

Wanna see how awesome you looked making that save, or where you need to improve? A tripod for your camera or phone is clutch. 

Don’t Let It Flop: Pump and Valve

Playing with a flat ball is a downer. Keep that ball bouncy, and the game fun with your own pump and valve. 

Pump Up The Jam: Exercise Bands

Warm up those muscles and get game-ready with some bands. It’s like your very own pre-game hype-up routine. 

Keep It Clean: Reusable Bags

Sand in your snacks? Scratch on your shades? Nope. Reusable bags keep your stuff sand-free and sorted. 

Game Notes: Notebook and Pen

Jot down those “aha!” moments or keep track of scores. Or doodle. Your notebook, your rules. 


What equipment is needed for beach volleyball? 
A volleyball, your awesome self, and all the goodies we just talked about. Easy peasy. 
What gear do you need to play volleyball? 
The basics are a ball, something comfy to wear, and a ton of enthusiasm. Plus, all the top picks from our list. 
What do volleyball girls need? 
Same as the guys – just add an extra dose of fierce. And maybe some hair ties. 
Do you need sand socks for beach volleyball? 
Not always, but they’re a game-changer for hot sand or if you’re prone to cold toesies. 
How do you get a beach volleyball body? 
Play beach volleyball! Move, laugh, dive, and play some more. And maybe some sprints and squats, if you’re feeling it. Check out our fitness friday reels for different exercises to prep your body in the gym for the battle on the sand!  


So, you see, packing for beach volleyball isn’t rocket science, but it sure makes a difference. With this chill guide, you’re all set to serve, spike, and have a blast without worrying about forgetting something important. Remember, it’s not just about what’s in your bag; it’s about having a great time, making memories, and maybe scoring a point or two. Catch you on the sand, volleyball stars!